Dixit Expansions List

List Of Dixit Expansions

Currently, there are a total of ten different expansions for the base game:

  1. Dixit Quest (Dixit 2)
  2. Dixit Odyssey
  3. Dixit Journey (Dixit 3)
  4. Dixit Origins (Dixit 4)
  5. Dixit Daydreams
  6. Dixit Memories
  7. Dixit Revelations
  8. Dixit Harmonies
  9. Dixit Anniversary – Dixit 10th Anniversary
  10. Dixit Mirrors

Dixit is an excellent game to introduce to players new to board gaming because of its simple premise revolving around imaginative pieces of art depicting surreal but friendly imagery.

It’s all a simple game for 3-6 players, with each turn having one player (referred to as the storyteller) vaguely describe a card from their hand with a simple phrase, and the rest of the players also playing a card that somehow matches the phrase, playing them all face down, shuffling them together, then revealing them one by one.

From then on, all of the players except for the storyteller guess via a secret voting system on what might be the storyteller’s card, and will get points based on whether everyone, no one, or at least one player guessed the card correctly, and whoever gets 30 points first wins!

So it’s definitely a pretty simple gameplay loop, and it’s a game that your playgroup would want to experience multiple playthroughs with.

However, since the game is directly fuelled by the card art, future play sessions will turn into a game of memory, with players recalling a clue or phrase that they have used for a specific card in one of their previous games.

And that’s where the expansions of Dixit come to the rescue.


Each expansion of Dixit comes with 84 cards, all with brand new art.

However, once you actually try to search for some of these expansions in online stores in hopes of adding them to your collection, it could get very confusing.

There are two separate publishers for Dixit in the UK and the U.S. (Libellud and Asmodee, respectively), and for some reason, they have decided to release some of the expansions in each market in different boxes or different titles, and sometimes even with different contents!

And while this is definitely a tangled mess to weave through, we’ll be here to help you through this mess, as well as discuss all of the differences between each expansion.

Dixit Quest – Dixit 2


The first expansion is definitely one of the easier ones to talk about.

Both boxes have similar box art, only differing in size and title, with it being released as Dixit 2 in the UK and Dixit Quest in the U.S.

Content-wise, it’s also the simplest, with both only containing the same set of 84 cards with all new art done by Marie Cardouat, the same artist who did the art for the base game.

And with all the art being done in the same style as the base game’s, this is an easy recommendation if you loved the original’s hand-drawn and quirky artwork and want more of the same.

Dixit Odyssey


Now this is where it starts to get confusing from a purchasing perspective.

There are two versions of Dixit Odyssey, with one being a big box acting as a standalone expansion (meaning you can play it even without the base game), while the other is a smaller box similar to Dixit Quest that contains nothing but a new deck of 84 cards.

All of the new cards are illustrated by a different artist, Pierô, but is coloured by the same artist from the base game, Marie Cardouat, which lends to a feeling of familiarity due to the colours being similar, while still being different enough.

If you already have the base game, it’s easy to simply pick up the smaller, card only box to expand your card pool.

However, the bigger box of Dixit Odyssey contains a whole slew of new stuff inside it, namely a new scoring track designed to be played for up to 12 players, 12 rabbit tokens, an insert that can store up to 2 other expansions, and a new voting system that uses pegs on a player card.

This might seem like a no-brainer for people who have not yet purchased the base game to purchase this one instead, but doing so would make you miss out on the 84 cards included in the base game, as the cards for the base game are not available as a smaller box purchase containing just cards like Dixit Quest.

So what’s our verdict on this one?

Well, I personally do not enjoy Dixit with more than 6 people, because for a game as simple as this, it tacks on additional rules about being able to vote for more than one card but gaining lesser points instead, and it seems like a clunky design choice rather than just keep the player count to 6, but the new voting system of inserting pegs into a player card is way better than the original’s usage of a pool of numbered tokens to play face-down.

With that being said, I wouldn’t buy a big box of Dixit Odyssey just for the new voting system, which means I’d go for the smaller box instead containing nothing but cards.

But if you don’t mind a little bit of extra rules overhead to be able to play with more than 6 players, or if you constantly need a great game to be played with your large playgroup, then the big box of Dixit Odyssey will be for you.

Dixit Journey – Dixit 3


If you thought Dixit Odyssey was confusing, get a load of this one.

Let’s get the easiest thing about these two out of the gates first: Xavier Collette did the art for both boxes, and his style is cleaner and has darker colours than the previous artists’, while still retaining the quirkiness inherent to Dixit.

Dixit Journey was released by Asmodee and Dixit 3 was from Libellud, which may make you think that it’s similar to Dixit Quest and Dixit 2 of only the box sizes differing, but it’s actually closer to Dixit Odyssey’s case.

Dixit Journey is another standalone expansion, while Dixit 3 is a smaller box with nothing but all new 84 cards in it.

And while both boxes hold the same set of 84 cards, Dixit Journey has its own set of voting tokens (not Odyssey’s excellent voting cards), score tracker, rabbit tokens, and a new insert that can hold up to 3 expansions this time, but only supports up to 6 players.

So this is another one of those situations, that if you have the base game, you can just go for the smaller box of cards instead.

But what if you don’t have the base game and you wouldn’t want to go for Odyssey because you prefer a smaller player count?

Well, you could always go for Dixit Journey, but the problem here is tracking down the right version of it.

You see, there are three different known versions of Dixit Journey, with one being the fancy one I described above with a primarily blue box, one that is similar to it but is a primarily grey box, and the one that you should avoid, which is also a primarily blue box but only has space for one 84 card deck, and does not have the rabbit tokens, instead opting for generic plastic pawns.

If you want Dixit Journey in your collection, you should definitely try to get a hold of the grey box to avoid the plastic pawns, especially since I have a particularly soft spot for the rabbit tokens.

But if you really want the blue box but want to avoid the plastic pawns, there is actually a way to tell them apart.

You could check the number that are somewhere near the barcode, and if it’s not 2012-2, then those are plastic pawns inside.

If you simply want the rabbit tokens, though, you could always buy the base game of Dixit and just get Dixit 3.

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Dixit Origins – Dixit 4

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They must have learned something from both Journey and Odyssey, because from here on out, it’ll all be smooth sailing.

There are still two different boxes for Dixit Origins and Dixit 4, but they only differ in size, like what they did with Dixit Quest and Dixit 2.

Dixit Origins is loosely themed around the beginning of vague stories, and the art for all of the 84 new cards is done by Clément Lefevre, lending the cards a kind of storybook feel to it.

Dixit Daydreams

This is when they dropped the numbered system and basically released the same box across both regions, which is a huge sigh of relief when it comes to purchasing these expansions.

As the name implies, Dixit Daydreams is loosely themed around a state of dreaming in the middle of the day, hence the more outlandish pieces of art from Franck Dion on the new set of 84 cards.

These new cards actually mix well with the cards from Dixit Quest, Odyssey, and the base game due to how those were also similarly dream-like in composition, but the colours are more muted than Marie Cardouat‘s art.

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Dixit Memories

Again, no difference between regions, so this one’s an easy purchase.

Themed around nostalgia and remembering things from the past, Dixit Memories adds a new set of 84 cards from a new duo of artists, Carine Hinder and Jérôme Pélissier, with their art style done in a digital medium rather than the original’s hand-drawn art, which makes it stand out a little bit more than Daydreams in terms of mixing it with the previous expansions.

Dixit Revelations

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Personally, this has to be my favorite expansion so far.

Revelations, like all the other small boxes, is a new set of 84 cards done by a new artist, Marina Coudray.

The overall feel of the art from this set of cards is more vibrant and lively than any of the previous ones, which is fitting given the theme of the set being about revealing new horizons.

However, aside from the vibrant art, the one factor that actually made this my favourite expansion has to be the gold details on some of the cards, which made certain aspects of the image stand out with golden accents that shone when light hit it, like a foil effect.

Unfortunately, these exclusive cards are only available on the first printing of Dixit Revelations.

If you’re hunting specifically for the gold cards, you could check the numbers near the barcode, the same way you hunted for the rabbit tokens in Dixit Journey: if they’re 2016-2, that’s your first printing right there with the gold cards, while other numbers won’t have the gold cards in them.

Dixit Harmonies


Another small box containing 84 new cards from another new artist, Paul Echegoyen, this specific box seems to harken back to the feeling evoked by the original set of cards.

Unlike Revelations, this specific box didn’t have a first printing exclusive to it, so you can purchase this one without worries that you might be missing out on something.

Dixit Anniversary – Dixit 10th Anniversary

Despite there being two different titles to this expansion, they’re basically the same set of cards inside, only differing in their boxes, with Dixit Anniversary being a regular box while Dixit 10th Anniversary being one with a gold foil.

One other notable thing about this set is that the cards are all done by all the previous artists who have worked on Dixit, which is fitting since this is for the games’ tenth anniversary.

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Dixit Mirrors


And we finally reach the end of our purchasing adventures with Dixit, given that this is the last small box expansion released for it so far, with all new art done by Sébastien Telleschi, meant as a colourful reflection of our reality.

Dix ‘Em All

So, what would I do with all these expansions?

If you absolutely love Dixit, you should just probably get the base game and all of the expansions, which would give you a whopping 924 card deck to play with.

Sure, shuffling might be a pain, but the replay value would skyrocket for this game, maybe even lasting after you have grown tired of it.

However, what I personally have is the Dixit Journey box with three inserts, along with my three favourite expansions, Revelations, Memories, and Anniversary.

Image credit, license, No changes made.
Image credit, license, No changes made.
Image credit, license, No changes made.
Image credit, license, No changes made.
Image credit, license, No changes made.
Image credit, license, No changes made.
Image credit, license, No changes made.

About the author

James Declan discovered board gaming via a one hour sesh trying to escape Forbidden Island with his daughter and has never looked back.